March 30, 2008


the bottom line
they say breaking up is hard to do, but today it's making up that will be tough.
in detail
they say that breaking up is hard to do, but today you'll discover just how hard that getting back together can be! the negotiations are not going very well right now, but by the end of the day the two of you can reach an agreement that leaves you both satisfied. In your business or career life, on the other hand, things are getting much easier! the answers you need are all coming to you. it looks like you can finally move forward with that exciting project.

i love what the horoscope say about my career life. but the relationship, never going to happen and don't wish to have that sort of negotiations.

no date again this weekend. though, i had one yesterday but had to turn down the offer. too shag after work for a date. sorry dude!

tomorrow, i need some retail therapy. a vintage tee and jeans is in my shopping list. ordered my flip flops online. hmmm... nice! i'm loving myself. when am i going to start saving eh? probably when i'd enough of retail therapy or someone to control my finance. haha! indeed. next tech gadget i'm aiming for is an mp3 or mp4. er, though i've an mp3 phone. ...and a lappie skin.

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