February 3, 2008


at first i told him i wasn't free. but there was a change of plan so i msged him saying i was free. again, there isn't any reply from him. well, i guess you're busy. annoys me that this isn't the first time and i still haven't give up. he might just be a phase. just like the others. i hate the thought of it. someone ever told me, when a mistake is done the first time, it is ignorance. twice, might be because you forget. but thrice, it is plain stupidity. i guess i'm plain foolish cause it takes the fourth time for me to learn my mistake. or it isn't a mistake? pursue or not to?

maybe, it is time to stop. sorry, dear. you're no different from the other guys i date. i don't know why i was so smitten by you.

am spending my weekends with my aunts and mummy. with them i can gossip about the guys i date. at least, they don't judge me. guess, i'll talk about him this round of gossip session. haha!

yipee! it is the long weekend. i'm packed for the whole week, spending time with my aunts (again), mummy, brother and cousins. 1st day of CNY, to the zoo. 2nd day, cousin yan's b'day. saturday, to mac ritchie reservoir for the treetop walk. sunday, stay home for lesson planning. hehe!

enjoy the holidays! wishing you and family a happy new year! may the new year bring you wealth and health! gong xi fa cai!

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